Translated from Babblefish:
"The maximum speed competition is organized by the magazine RC World. Since I could not participate this time because of a violent cold, I must fall back to pictures from selbigen magazine.
In contrast to the World Drome running on the same course goes it this time only around Hoechsteschwindigkeit. It is in each case a driver on the course.
The maximum speed was with 165,229 km/h with a comparatively unspektakulaerem vehicle. Continues to surprise not, since the speed is the smaller problem. It is many more difficult to find a suitable vehicle tuning. It concerns a round distance and no dragees Strip. Since the course is available only for one day, there is no training. Either it functions or not.
As always there were a few very interesting and beautiful constructions to also see. Also it is beautiful that not all participants set on the safe bank and use a conservative (and probably fast) model, but experiments.
Also a radix complement at Kohei Morita, which reached 110,321km/h at minimum expenditure (Tech Racing DD-M chassis, enRoute standard engine of the World Drome running and 11,1V Lipo). "
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