Sunday, September 21, 2008

First reports from the 2008 R/C Speed Challenge UK round

Some of the first reports are coming in from the 2008 R/C Speed Challenge UK Round.

It looks like Magnus Vassmar has the fastest electric speed of 104 mph and Chris had the fastest Nitro car with his twin engine Inferno 777 at 89 mph.

Chris who attended the event had these comments:

a massive thanks goes to Tony for setting up this event also thanks to his assistant (realy sorry can't remeber your name)
it was a fantastic event with many ups and downs. some spectacular crashes and awsome speeds by vassamar,
a real fun event all round
next time we need a lot more practice and setup time but its been a good learning curve Grin

highest electric speed was vassamar 104mph highest IC was my twin 777 89mph Grin Grin did this on my one and only run as i had a problem with a one way bearing wich i just couldn't get sorted out Angry
still was very pleased Grin Grin


Video: Car disintegrates at 103 mph

Crash edit

What Magnus's car looked like before the crash:

Magnus Vassmar's carnage from his TC4 crashing into a cinder block at 103 mph.

Live Coverage of the 2008 R/C Speed Challenge, UK Round

Free video chat by Ustream

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008

Video: Vassmar at 126 mph

Vassmar's brushless TC4 at 126 mph

Vassmar's TC4 catching air at 108 mph

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Video: Vassmar's 112 mph brushless TC4. Now With radar!

112 mph pass

110 mph pass

It has been a couple months since Vassmar tested his brushless TC4. In his last testing session, his speed was up to 135mph according to his venom speed meter. This time he has a radar gun handy to easily see his speed. Vassmar said this about his testing:

Was out and did some quick testing today. Only had time to do like 3 runs before it got too dark tho. But 112mph on the radar was max. But that was on the first run with barley full throttle. Then i got some false readings and then i missed the radargun completly. But the last runs defently felt quicker than the first.

But the good news is that the new delrin spurs holds up really good. Looks like brand new so far
Bad news is that o forgot to empty the Medusa recorder so i didn't get any readings at all on it...

New update is coming tomorrow!