Wednesday, June 1, 2011

147 mph "Super Schumacher MI3"

"Dayan" has reached 147 mph in his Shumacher MI3 using a Mcallister oval 197, reinforced sides and front, motor is a neu 1512/1d on 4s.

Road to 200 mph update (Video)

Team Associated and Nic Case have created a new video showing their progress to break the 200 mph barrier with an RC car. This video contains many more details on Nic's car, The SR11. Nic talks about the equipment

The car ,the SR11, is based on the NTC3 and is designed by myself and Curtis Husting.
Power is supplied by a 1521 Neu motor, 12 cell PowerEdge LiPo battery, and the sophisticated power management of a Castle Creations HV speed controller. The gears are the finest made 32 pitch hardened steel version by RW, while the radio will be the Fasst System from Futaba and the tires are from BSR.